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Home Inspection CertificateOFFERED ONLINE
Loyalist College Certificate

Have you completed this credential? Request your official copy: Click Here

Upon successful completion of this certificate, Loyalist College will grant a Certificate in Home Inspection. Successful completion of this certificate fulfills the academic entrance requirements towards the Registered Home Inspector (RHI) designation, offered through the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI), provided that a grade of 70% or better is maintained in each course. Students must still complete other requirements that must be taken through the OAHI directly. For more information on the RHI designation, please see www.oahi.com


The minimum requirements for admission to any post-secondary program is an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (30 credits) or an Ontario Secondary School Graduation Diploma or the equivalent, with credits at the college or general level, or mature student status as defined.

Applicants who are 19 years of age on the first day of classes in the year of admission, and who do not have an OSSD, are considered as mature applicants. Such applicants must complete the required subjects for admission. If they lack the required subjects, they may be requested to write a diagnostic test.
NOTE: Applicants who are not Canadian citizens or who do not have permanent residence status are not considered under this clause.

This program is not currently eligible to receive OSAP funding.

To learn more about what other funding opportunities may be available, please visit Loyalist’s Financial Assistance Office by Clicking Here

This program is Better Jobs Ontario eligible.

For more information about Better Jobs Ontario funding, please contact eLab@loyalistcollege.com

TECH 8035Roofing Inspection
TECH 8036Structure Inspection
TECH 8037Electrical Inspection
TECH 8038Heating Inspection I
TECH 8039Heating Inspection II
TECH 8040Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps Inspection
TECH 8041Plumbing Inspection
TECH 8042Exterior Inspection
TECH 8043Interior/Insulation Inspection
TECH 8057Communication/Professional Practices
Please note:
Students using these courses toward the Registered Home Inspector (RHI) Designation must obtain a grade of 70% or higher
Courses are listed above in the recommended order of completion
Students are required to adhere to all prerequisite and corequisite requirements for courses
Students must obtain a grade of 50% or higher to pass each course
Students must obtain a G.P.A. of 60% or higher to obtain this certificate
Students have 7 years to complete the certificate requirements
Courses may not be available every semester while others may have regular monthly intakes
For more information, contact 613-969-1913 or 1-888-569-2547 ext. 2185, distance@loyalistcollege.com

The following courses are currently available and listed in alpha order below by course code.

TECH 8035

Roofing Inspection

TECH 8040

Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps Inspection

TECH 8042

Exterior Inspection

TECH 8057

Communication/Professional Practices

TECH 8037

Electrical Inspection

TECH 8038

Heating Inspection I

TECH 8041

Plumbing Inspection

TECH 8039

Heating Inspection II

TECH 8036

Structure Inspection

TECH 8043

Interior/Insulation Inspection