****CONTINUOUS INTAKE**** Register to start Theory today!
The Online Foot Care Nurse Theory course (FCN Theory) provides a theoretical
foundation for nurses preparing for a career in nursing foot care, or who are looking
to expand the scope of their nursing skills.
This course is designed for nurses (RN’s, NP’s, RPN’s & LPN’s) new to foot care, or for experienced Foot Care Nurses who wish to update their knowledge and skills. The course follows a comprehensive, advanced and diabetic nursing foot care curriculum. This curriculum is based on current best practice guidelines and evidence-based practice, including the Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses’ National Competencies for Advanced Nursing Foot Care in Canada (2017). Students are expected to complete online quizzes and view pre-recorded slide
presentations from their work/home computer.
After successfully completing the FCN Theory course, nurses must complete clinical
training in order to work as a Foot Care Nurse.